Here is a list of a fraction of the projects I have been working on since the beginning of 2023. Most of these projects are related to programming and computers, but they are not limited to that. Only the projects that I have finished are listed here. There is a long list of unfinished projects.
UPDATE: I stopped tracking my projects here on the page after the "YC Analysis" project.
- YC Analysis - Dataset of all the Y Combinator companies and data visualization inside Google Maps
- Daily Photo App - Mac app which makes every day an image of you
- Quick Music Bar - Mac app which allows you to control YouTube videos from your Mac status bar
- Midwit Meme Generator - Small app which generates midwit memes
- Yoitsyou - App which generates 1000 AI avatars and one gif based on input of five images
- Tweet-based Big Five Prediction - Python package for predicting big five personalities based on the paper "Is ChatGPT a Good Personality Recognizer? A Preliminary Study"